Mint, Stake, and Prosper πŸ––

By joining Earth Exchange, you're not just supporting global sustainability, you're also creating a new stream of income. Every Carbon Ownership Asset (COA) you mint and stake generates rewards, allowing you to make money while doing good. It’s a win-win: contribute to environmental preservation and watch your investment grow at the same time.

How it works πŸ‘

With Earth Exchange, you can easily participate in the carbon market and start earning rewards.


Connect your digital wallet, we support over 25 different wallets for seamless integration, so we've lilely got you covered.

Mint .

Choose one of the five available DOTs, each representing a unique Carbon Ownership Asset. Fund your purchase using Poly-wrapped USDT, ensuring a seamless minting process.

how it works
Stake .

After pruchasing your DOT, you can staked it, locking it into the platform, allowing it to generate continuous rewards from the carbon credits tied to your asset.


You’ll receive ongoing rewards in the form of Carbon Backed Digital Assets (CBDAs). These rewards can be easily swapped for a stablecoin, central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and sold on the secondary market.

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